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"Rating" is Navy terminology for what otherwise might be called a "job title." 

In many of the ship's log documents on this website, you will see a series of letters (and sometimes numbers) after a person's name.  This is their rating. 

When numbers are present (unique to each person), it represents the person's experience level.  The experience levels are listed in increasing order of experience:

  • 3c  (3rd class)
  • 2c  (2nd class)
  • 1c  (1st class)
  • Chief     Not all job functions have a "Chief" level association with them.

Often, you will find that an person's number becomes closer to 1 as the time passes.  This reflects a promotion.

Rating Description
AS  Apprentice Seaman
B  Boilermaker
Bkr  Baker
BM  Boatswains Mate
CBM  Chief Boatswains Mate
CCS  Chief Commissary Steward
CEM  Chief Electricians Mate
CGM  Chief Gunners Mate
Ck  Cook
CM  Carpenters Mate
CMoMM  Chief Motor Machinist Mate
Cox  Coxswain
CPhM  Chief Pharmacist Mate
CQM  Chief Quartermaster
CRM  Chief Radioman
CRT  Chief Radio Technician
CSK  Chief Stores Keeper
CSoM  Chief Soundman
CWT  Chief Water Tender
CY  Chief Yeoman
EM  Electricians Mate
F  Fireman
FC  Fire Controlman
GM  Gunners Mate
M  Metalsmith
MM  Machinist Mate
Man  Mailman
MoMM  Motor Machinist Mate
OC  Officers Cook
PhM  Pharmacist Mate
Ptr  Painter
QM  Quartermaster
RdM  Radarman
RM  Radioman
RT  Radio Technician
S  Seaman
SC  Ships Cook
SF  Shipfitter
SK  Stores Keeper
SM  Signalman
SoM  Soundman
SSMB  Ships Service Mate Barber
SSML  Ships Service Mate Laundry
St  Steward
StM  Stewards Mate
TM  Torpedomans Mate
WT  Water Tender
Y  Yeoman
Information courtesy of Destroyer Escorts Sailors Association







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