Welcome aboard the Internet home of the USS Enright
and her crew!
This web site is dedicated to the sailors of the USS Enright, who bravely
served their country during World War II.
We hope that this site will bring back memories to
those who served on the USS Enright, and also to help family and friends
better understand their role during the war.
Jan 2, 2016: Major website update
See the What's New page for a summary of the
Facebook Community for family and friends of Sailors

A Facebook
community has been created for USS Enright family and friends.
Our goal is to facilitate communications between family and friends of the
USS Enright sailors.
YOU can contribute to the dialog by posting something about you, the sailor
in your life, as well as any comments or questions you may have.
Find Out About Web Updates via Email
If you interested in receiving infrequent emails notifying you about major
website updates, please let us know who you are.
Send an email to
webmaster@ussenright.org and let us put you on our communication list.
Please provide your name, email address, and your connection to which
specific USS Enright sailor or officer.